The factory was founded, which gradually developed from a manufacturing workshop into an industrial manufacturer of biscuits and wafers. It was founded by Dragutin Wolf and had been named after him until 1932.
The factory was founded, which gradually developed from a manufacturing workshop into an industrial manufacturer of biscuits and wafers. It was founded by Dragutin Wolf and had been named after him until 1932.
The production of biscuits and wafers started during this period. The factory started introducing mechanized production process and the production output increased (500 kg of products per day).
There was a merger with a Hungarian company Koestlin. The factory name was changed and new machines and a license for producing biscuits and wafers were bought.
The factory was moved to the industrial zone.
New halls were built.
A new bay warehouse was built consisting of 3,300 pallet positions. The production increased to 15 thousand tons per year.
Koestlin becomes a public limited company (d.d.). The Croatian War of Independence and losing part of its market affected the production.
The Mepas company from Široki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, became the majority owner. The market expanded and new employees were hired. The production increased to 70 tons per day.